Hensel integra pro 500 manual
Hensel ?ntegra plus 1000W (2X500W) pro plus fm paraflash. Buy Hensel Integra 500 Monolight featuring 500W/s, Multi-voltage (110-240 VAC), 6-Stop Power Range, 300W Modeling Lamp, 2.2 sec. The Hensel Integra 500 Monolight provides the control, power and the quality features that photographers, no matter their field, desire. The Hensel Integra series of monolights provides the control and power most photographers require, whether its commerical, portrait, wedding or industrial photography. The Integra Pro is an improved version of the earlier Integra model. It offers a 6 F-Stop Range, down to 1/32 power, which makes it All EXPERT / INTEGRA PRO units are equipped with a fan to avoid overheating with fast flash sequences, which could cause damage to the flashtube and the compact flash unit. Nevertheless, if overheating occurs, the error is displayed on the LED 14. After a break for cooling down
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